5 Reasons You Need to Hire a Life Coach Today

Brian Tellor
3 min readJul 25, 2021

Why crawl when you can walk? Why walk when you can run? Why run when you can fly?

I have been stubborn and hardheaded most of my life. Add to that trust issues and you got a cake that is never going to bake. I squandered many years thinking that I could do everything on my own. I didn’t need to waste my time or money on a coach, well that is until 20 years of my life had gone by and I was no closer to living my dreams than when I started. Do you need a coach? Unless you love doing things the hard way and wasting your precious time, then YES!

Finding and hiring the right coach is like stumbling upon a goldmine. A good coach will help you in ways that you never imagined. It is a dividend that just keeping paying major returns. This is why every successful person has a coach or mentor in their corner. In this article, I am going to share with you five reasons you need to hire a coach today!

#5. You have self-destructive habits.

I am willing to bet that we all have some area in our life where we are self-sabotaging ourselves daily. Food, nicotine, sex, anger, and the list goes on and on. There is an aspect of your life that is holding you back from living fully. A good coach is not only going to help you map out a plan for the future but will be there as your accountability partner as well. Unless you get extremely clear on what you want and have somebody in your corner to advocate and push you, the chances of overcoming the self-destructive habits or severely decreased.

#4. You want to develop a new life skill.

Sure there are a billion books and YouTube videos out there that will teach you a new life skill but that means time. Unless you are a speed reader and enjoy watching videos on 2x mode, you are better off hiring somebody that already has the skill you want to achieve. You will learn and RETAIN more in 60 minutes a week with your coach than you will in a month of reading books or watching YouTube videos.

#3. You are going through a major life transition.

Bad things happen to good people all the time but you do not have to go through it alone. A good coach will help you navigate the choppy waters of transition all while maintaining a positive mindset. Divorce, death, illness, and job loss are all examples of these life transitions that we can navigate much smoother with a coach.

#2. You are not seeing results.

It’s easy to get our wheels stuck in the mud. The harder you push the gas pedal, the deeper you seem to hunker down with your wheels spinning. If you are not seeing the results that you desire in your life, then you need to hire a coach. We often times cannot see past a certain distance, but your coach will help you see the bigger picture and identify ways that you have been holding yourself back.

#1. Self-limiting beliefs!

Fear and insecurity are happiness killers. So many people go through life wanting more but feeling like they either don’t deserve it or they are afraid to get uncomfortable. A coach will help you identify those self-limiting beliefs and push you to find comfort in discomfort. Nothing worth having in this life comes easy but it can come quickly with the right guidance and coaching.

About Me

My name is Brian Tellor. I am the founder of Everest Life Coaching. Through my practice, I help people reclaim their true identities, rediscover their purpose, and live life with conviction and courage. This is my calling and I take great pride in bringing my clients the results they want. I would love to discuss how coaching can help you. Go ahead and visit www.conqueringeverest.com, where you can schedule a free 60-minute coaching session with me.




Brian Tellor

I am simply me. In all of my perfectly, imperfect glory. I enjoying speaking, writing, daydreaming and helping others.