How to be unsuccessful and unfulfilled in 3 easy steps!

Brian Tellor
3 min readSep 16, 2019


The self help industry has it all wrong!”, I exclaimed as I finished reading the latest and greatest flavor of the month book in the self help genre.

Hello. My name is Brian and I am a success and fulfillment expert. Actually it is my expertise in the lack of success and fulfillment that makes me an expert.

The self help industry has it all wrong. Book after book, seminar after seminar all telling us what we need to do to be successful. Hogwash! If the vast majority of us were any good at actually doing what they say we need to do, we wouldn’t be dropping our hard, semi-earned dollars on the industry guru’s book or seminar.

We buy book after book, we attend seminar after seminar; all of which essentially give us the same set of instructions. If that is the case, why are so many of us still in the same exact spot as we started?

Reality is that we all want to find the magic elixir that will bring us unlimited wealth, superior health and make all our dreams come true. We want to sit on white, sandy beaches sipping a bottomless Mai Tai with our chiseled, tanned body glistening in the sun. Oh come on, I am not the only one!

We buy book after book, we attend seminar after seminar; all of which essentially give us the same set of instructions. If that is the case, why are so many of us still in the same exact spot as we started?

Now I could spend the remainder of this article rehashing the steps you need to take to be successful but why bother? I mean I could tell you to set your S.M.A.R.T. goals, take massive action, review your progress often, believe in yourself … et cetera, et cetera. Heck I could even probably write it in such a way that it would motivate you for a few days but ultimately that motivation is feigning and I want you to actually succeed so I present you with <insert trumpet call> …

How to be unsuccessful and unfulfilled in 3 easy steps!

  1. Lack conviction! Being successful actually requires you to believe in what you say and do. It requires you to decide what you want and commit to becoming the type of person required of said desire. It is much easier to simply keep buying books (most you will never read) and simply dream about the possibilities than actually dedicate yourself to a cause.
  2. Lack discipline! We all know that successful and fulfilled people take time to plan their days, weeks and months. Entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker, Jim Rohn even went as far as to plan his entire year in advance. Those silly successful, fulfilled people spending all of that time to sit quietly, map out a plan of action and then actually implement self-control and sacrifice to execute on said plan. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
  3. Over analyze everything! Everything must be perfect right? I mean Lord forbid we simply get started and make adjustments as we move forward. I am sure that the timing, situation and environment were perfect for Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney and Jeff Bezos, all of which began now world famous companies from a garage.

The beauty of the three aforementioned steps is that you will never have to worry about developing confidence, a persistent spirit or give up spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each year on self-help books and seminars.

You are welcome.



Brian Tellor

I am simply me. In all of my perfectly, imperfect glory. I enjoying speaking, writing, daydreaming and helping others.