Loneliness, the void of self

Brian Tellor
2 min readDec 16, 2021


Our souls yearn for companionship yet our minds reject the notion. We sit alone trapped in our own state of madness and quite frankly, it is not a welcomed companion. We desperately try to drown our thoughts with music, television, or sex, but I’ll be damned if that doesn’t invoke the raw emotions that have been suppressed into the deepest, darkest recesses of the mind.

Loneliness, the void of self

Even in the presence of others, I find myself lonely, wondering who else out there is feeling this void of self. I cannot be the only one out here struggling to find my soul. The only one that cannot seem to simply be present and content with this version of me today. We are no doubt many. Then can someone tell me why we feel alone?

I oft wonder if you are you out there somewhere in this universe, sitting there along with me, clouding your mind with substances on the slightest chance that it may offer even just a few moments of relief from the pain? Yet when that momentary escape from reality fades, there we are alone again and the process recycles.

But hey, I suppose tomorrow is a new day. Perhaps it will be our day. Maybe we might get out of bed, or maybe not. Maybe we try getting some exercise, or maybe not. Either way, it will be ok. I will be right here rooting you on my lonely friend. I don’t know who you are, where you live, or how your story ends but I will be your biggest fan until the end.



Brian Tellor

I am simply me. In all of my perfectly, imperfect glory. I enjoying speaking, writing, daydreaming and helping others.